My first post...or isn't?

After a long time I finally decided to start this blog. This was mainly because I want to share some of the crazy stuff in my head about the crazy stuff in the world.
There's no specific themes on this blog, although movies and soundtracks are mi favorite things so you'll read quite a bit of those here.
These days I've been very busy with the moving and stablishing of my movie site. It first started as MoviesCenter in December 2005, and now nearly two years later it has evolved into Moviefy, with its own domain at last.
Hopefully it will be ready next week. Among other things I'll start making a new version of my iPod widget, the iPod DP, and a Silent Hill fan site, Silent Hill Requiem.
If you like any of those, I invite you to keep visiting this blog. I'll see how far I can go with this...